Attorney Todd Dwire speaking with staff member in conference room

We See The Big Picture In Family Law

When You And Your Spouse Can Come To An Agreement

An uncontested divorce is when both parties agree to all of the legal arrangements in a divorce decree prior to the initial case management conference (ICMC). Being able to agree on how to separate your lives makes the whole process much less expensive and can take less time.

Todd Dwire of Dwire Law Offices in Lakeville, Minnesota, will review your potential agreement with your spouse to ensure that your best interests are being represented. If your arrangements are suitable and meet all legal requirements, he’ll draft the judgment for you. If he has any concerns or feels that you may want to alter certain things, he will discuss these with you. He wants you to understand exactly what is happening and how these decisions will affect you, your children and your future.

Do I Need Legal Representation For An Uncontested Divorce?

Yes. It is advisable for both parties to have their own legal representation for advice and review of the final judgment. You also want a lawyer to draft the documents you will need to file with the courts.

Some people may feel having their own attorney will upset their spouse during an uncontested divorce. We are here to help, not to make things more complicated. We will do everything we can to make this as simple and efficient a process as possible for both of you.

Advantages Of An Uncontested Divorce

When you and your spouse agree on how to proceed with your divorce, you have full control over all of the arrangements and how your wishes are carried out going forward. If your divorce were contested and you had to go to trial, the judge would make many of these decisions for you. While this removes the problem from your hands, it does not guarantee that you’ll be happy with the outcome.

An uncontested divorce makes the whole process less contentious and may make it easier for you and your spouse to co-parent your children in the future. This can be to everyone’s benefit as your children and overall family dynamic may not be as severely affected by the divorce.

Finally, both you and your spouse will be happier with the outcome. The hope is this will make it easier for each of you to go forward with your lives.

Schedule Your Free Consultation Today

If you think that an uncontested divorce is the right option for you, contact us to discuss your case and learn more about the process. To schedule a free consultation, call 952-232-0179 or complete our online contact form to get in touch with us. We regularly represent clients in Apple Valley, Burnsville, Eagan, Lakeville, Prior Lake, Savage and Shakopee.