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Dwyane Wade’s child custody questioned in court filing

On Behalf of | Mar 2, 2013 | Firm News |

Minnesota residents may be aware that Dwyane Wade of basketball fame was awarded custody of his two children in 2011. Last summer, Wade was again in the limelight after his ex-wife delayed returning the children to Wade and was arrested for attempted kidnapping. Now she wants Dwyane to give more attention to the children and provide them with medicines for preventing asthma. She is also requesting an amendment to her visitation rights so that she can spend more time with the children.

Children can be the primary focus of any divorce. Many couples undergoing divorce contest for child custody. Both parents, for different reasons, may want their child to live with them. Sometimes the court may allow joint physical custody, but sometimes this arrangement may not be allowed in view of the best interests of the child and one parent may be given child custody while the other may be granted visitation rights.

In the case of Dwyane Wade, who divorced in 2007, Wade was allowed full custody of his two children while his wife was allowed visitation rights. Recently, his ex-wife alleged in court filings that he has failed to provide the children with life-saving medications since the time custody was granted to him.

According to the ex-wife, both children suffer from asthma, a condition that requires the presence of asthma nebulizer machines and asthma inhalers. Her court filing stated that Wade failed to provide the children with these items for a life-threatening illness.

As both parents want the best for their child, they may make every effort to gain child custody and to ensure that their child is safe. In Minnesota, child custody cases involve evaluation, where an evaluator is appointed for assistance. The evaluator, after taking various factors such as medical needs into consideration, may make recommendations for child custody and parenting time. The parents may draw up parenting plans that enable them to spend adequate time with their children.

Source: The Huffington Post, “Dwyane Wade’s Ex-Wife Siohvaughn Tells Court He Deprived Sons Of Asthma Medication: Report (VIDEO),” Feb. 21, 2013


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