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Liberty Ross files for joint child custody

On Behalf of | Feb 4, 2013 | Firm News |

Minnesota residents may have read about the divorce filing of Rupert Sanders and Liberty Ross. Liberty has filed for joint child custody of their two children. She has also asked that in addition to spousal support her attorney fees be covered as part of the settlement.

Emotional ups and downs, property division and custody of children are commonly the main concerns of a person considering divorce. Although property may be equally divided by the court in accordance to the laws, matters relating to children require patience and care.

According to Minnesota law, parents may file for custodial custody or physical custody of their children. Both varieties of custody can be shared between both parents. In cases where sole physical custody is granted to one parent, the custodial parent is responsible for the daily care of the child, whereas in joint custody both parents partake in the responsibility of the child’s everyday requirements. Sometimes legal custody may be questioned when there are serious issues that may affect the child.

When a parent files for child custody, the court may appoint an evaluator. Parents, children and witnesses may be interviewed by the evaluator. The evaluator may than write a report based on the findings. The report will be written keeping the child’s best interests in mind.

In Minnesota, the court’s ruling on child custody and visitation is based on the report of the court-appointed evaluator. The court may also decide on parenting time. This schedule defines when the child will stay with each parent and includes holidays, vacations and school breaks.

When filing for child custody, parents may want help from a legal professional specializing in divorce and child custody, as they are required to prove to the court that they are capable of taking care of the child. Additionally, parents seeking custody must prove that they will serve the child’s best interests.

Source: Fox News, “Liberty Ross reportedly files for divorce from cheating husband Rupert Sanders,” Jan. 25, 2013


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