For some Minnesota readers, headlines about divorce seem to focus on hotly contested cases where soon-to-be ex-spouses are having difficulty determining how to split marital assets. While some high net worth divorces may feel like a battle, it is important to note that such is not always the case – and in fact, couples who go through a divorce can come out the other side in a great place and some may even remain friends.
Such is the case for two couples who decided to divorce after many years of marriage. The first couple divorced after 24 years. Although some may think that a divorce after so long would automatically be contentious, the pair’s approach was so amiable that they felt comfortable using the same attorney. The second couple divorced after 17 years. While the former wife is happy with her decision to divorce, she is able to comment on her ex’s finer qualities with admiration.
Perhaps even more surprising, both couples remain friends not only with each other, but with their ex-spouses’ families. One of the spouses notes how much easier life is because they get along. Holidays and other get-togethers are not soured by any remaining unresolved issues, and that gives children, grandchildren and other family members a chance to be in each other’s lives.
Divorce after many years of marriage can be difficult, but as these couples demonstrate, the process need not be contentious. Although married for many years, these couples were able to work out their differences with an eye on a happy future. Couples divorcing after long marriages in particular may have acquired complex assets such as inheritances, property, stock options and more that will need to be divided – in Minnesota, by equitable division. However, the parties have the option to work closely with attorneys and other professionals to find the best solution for everyone.
Not all divorces are the same; for some couples, court may be the correct route. For others, a more cooperative approach may yield benefits. While some couples may want to make a clean break, others may find value in staying in touch. Regardless of the situation, those thinking about divorce should know that it’s not “one size fits all.”
Source: Chicago Sun-Times, “Some divorces don’t mirror ‘War of the Roses’,” Cheryl Lavin, Oct. 15, 2012