Another day, another divorce story pertaining to Facebook — although this one differs greatly from past stories about status updates breaking up couples and secret messages that rekindle old relationships.
Mark Zuckerberg, the main shareholder of the social networking site, married his longtime girlfriend the day after Facebook went public (amid much controversy) and he garnered a whopping $20 billion in shares. That has prompted divorce lawyers to consider the possibility that the couple entered into a prenuptial agreement.
Considering Zuckerberg’s worth — and the timing of the wedding — it seems very likely the couple signed a prenup, though nothing has been confirmed, nor is it likely it ever will be confirmed. If Zuckerberg did put together a prenuptial agreement, it would protect him from a few things should he get a divorce.
A prenup could establish which assets are allocated to which spouse if a divorce were to occur, and in what amount or value. That would mean Zuckerberg could insulate himself from potential financial ruin if her and his wife were to divorce and they lacked a contract that stipulated how their assets were to be divided.
Another aspect is the timing of the marriage. Assuming a divorce, Zuckerberg’s wife could have requested a larger portion of his Facebook assets (which, presumably, would rise in value over time). With the marriage happening the day after Facebook’s IPO, their potential prenuptial agreement could regulate the value of Facebook shares Zuckerberg’s wife is entitled to.
While the monetary figures do not equate to most (if not all) divorcing couples in Minnesota, Zuckerberg’s situation shows how helpful a prenuptial agreement can be for those preparing to say their vows.
Source: Empowered News, “Facebook Owner Protecting His Billions with Prenup Agreement?,” May 22, 2012