We talked about the impact social media can have on a person’s marriage last month, and the topic has been a regular feature not only on this blog, but in the national spotlight as well. Facebook has opened up an entirely new area for divorcing couples to collect evidence and make their case against their former spouse.
In the ongoing theme of divorce stories that involve social media playing a major role in the break-up, the one you are about to hear is definitely in the running for “most unexpected.”
Married for only two months, a couple is headed for splitsville because of Facebook. No, it’s not because of something one of the spouses posted or because of a secret message to a former flame — it’s because the husband didn’t update his relationship status quickly enough.
The 31-year-old says he never even considered it, and since they had only been married for a short time, he surely thought it wasn’t that big of a deal. Well it was for his 28-year-old wife, who filed for divorce and claimed that she “couldn’t trust him” anymore because of this seemingly minute detail. In an attempt to help the couple reconcile over the issue, the judge handling their case has ordered the couple to attend marriage counseling for six months.
While the absurdity of the case won’t be lost on many, that doesn’t mean these abrupt changes are uncommon. Sometimes, life doesn’t work out exactly how you drew it up. When that change happens, you may not be prepared for it — but you can talk with an experienced professional who can help you move on to the next chapter in your life.
Source: Huffington Post, “Facebook Divorce: Woman Divorces Husband Over Facebook Dispute,” May 17, 2012